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Week 6 Reflection

It’s kind of difficult to think about this class, because it is just so different than any other class I’ve ever taken. I really mean it when I say that this class has opened my eyes in a lot of ways about building empathy in others and listening and truly problem solving without your own inherent biases getting in the way. In addition I’ve learned one of the most practical skills in solving a problem, communicating with others and building a team. After all, people are stronger together and in a lot of ways I’ve learned how to do that. At the same time, with everything I’ve said, I can’t help but felt like I’ve felt like I’ve let myself down. I’m engaged in the material, I really am, but for some reason I couldn’t find the motivation a lot of times to keep up with weekly reflections and always stay in task in class. It’s a real shame because I’ve seen the values that D-lab can teach me #BREAD but I’m in a constant struggle with myself of staying focuses, which I guess is only the nature of an experimental class that doesn’t rely on external incentives like testing and grades as much. Anyway only been half way through the class and I can’t wait to see what this more independent second half offers. I promise myself to be more proactive and put more of an effort forward :)

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